
Welcome to Keeney Physical Therapy!

Located in our new Sedona home office surrounded by the majestic Red Rocks, Keeney Physical Therapy welcomes you to expert and comprehensive manual therapy to gently move you toward optimal health and pain-free movement. Keeney Physical Therapy offers a one to four hour “hands on” session with Joseph Keeney, PT focused on addressing your concerns, symptoms and movement restrictions. This makes each session uniquely designed specifically for you. Treatments are a gentle blending of Integrative Manual Therapy, Strain CounterStrain and Osteopathic techniques including many forms of Cranial Sacral which affect the neural protective patterns that cause dysfunction and pain.


Our clinic is highly skilled in the treatment of acute and chronic health issues and musculoskeletal injuries. We specialize in the following therapies: Integrative Manual Therapy, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage and Osteopathic therapies including Muscle Energy, Cranial Sacral, Strain CounterStrain and Functional Indirect.  



We treat a variety of impairments including but not limited to:



Neck care, TMJ, whiplash, upper, mid and low back pain, degenerative joint disease, ribcage dysfunction, upper extremity (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand), lower extremity (hip, knee, ankle, foot), sacral and pelvic restrictions, all spine and herniated disc dysfunctions, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, injuries resulting from motor vehicle and other accidents.



Neuromuscular and fascial disorders, brain trauma, early onset, acute and chronic concussion from sports or traumatic injuries, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke rehabilitation, gluten ataxia, facial palsy and paralysis, swallowing disorders, vestibular disorders, tension headaches and migraines and more.



Fascial restrictions having an impact on fibromyalgia, lymphadema, detoxification strategies, treatment for effects of food and environmental allergies, manual therapy treatment to support immune system.



Pelvic pain, prostate and/or bladder urgency, fascial and pelvic floor restrictions.